MSCA-IF _ Employment contract (so-called Type A) at french university

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MSCA-IF _ Employment contract (so-called Type A) at french university

Post by SamiNard » Sun Mar 07, 2021 5:31 pm

Hi everyone,

I got MSCA-IF to a French University, and we are in the phase of agreement signature that includes the employement contract (so-called Type A). I'm interested in knowing about this profesional contract (advantage/disadvantage, salary amount, taxes, etc.). I'm from Morocco, separated and with one child in charge.

Thank you so much for your help,


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Re: MSCA-IF _ Employment contract (so-called Type A) at french university

Post by CountZ » Sun Mar 07, 2021 10:07 pm

Hey Sami
Congratulations on your MSCA. I've never heard of Type A, are you sure it's not something else? Maybe type A is an internal reference?
Usually, in France, there are CDI (indefinite contracts) and CDD (definite, i.e. time-limited, contracts). Postdoc contracts are definitely something new in French academia and people are still trying to figure it out, although I imagine that large institutions like CNRS and INSERM are used to this.

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Re: MSCA-IF _ Employment contract (so-called Type A) at french university

Post by Dodo » Mon Mar 08, 2021 3:21 pm

Bonjour Sami

Bravo pour ta bourse !

'The type-A contract is a classic/regular contract that gives you right to social benefits and pension.' Je te mets ci-dessous la réponse que j'ai eue au Danemark.

Je pense que le mieux est de contacter tes points de contact nationaux (NCP) pour qu'ils t'envoient un contrat type.

Bon courage

'This would also typically be a normal employment contract, with references to your MSCA project. And with the addition of a reference to Grant Agreemment article 32/article 32 as an annex.
The grant agreement states:

32.1 Obligations towards the recruited researcher
The beneficiary must respect the following recruitment and working conditions for the researcher recruited under the action:
(a) take all measures to implement the principles set out in the Commission Recommendation on the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers12 and ensure that the researcher is aware of them;
(b) ensure that the researcher enjoys at the place of the implementation at least the same standards and working conditions as those applicable to local researchers holding a similar position;
(c) ensure that the employment contract, other direct contract or fixed-amount-fellowship agreement (see Article 6) specifies:

Please see the Annotated Model Grant Agreement p. 495 and also the annotations pp. 496-498 for this.

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Re: MSCA-IF _ Employment contract (so-called Type A) at french university

Post by SamiNard » Sat Mar 13, 2021 4:00 pm

Thank you so much for reply and your congratulation!

Dodo! consulting the mentioned ref., the matter is being clarifying for me. Merci bcp! Have you any ideas about the salary and taxes applied for French universities; may be different to those of CNRS or Private companies?

My bests,


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Re: MSCA-IF _ Employment contract (so-called Type A) at french university

Post by Dodo » Tue Mar 16, 2021 6:19 pm

Salut Sami

Quelque chose comme cela :

[(gross salary*country coefficient)]*[100%- %employer costs – % income tax]
+ mobility allowance

Pour les charges patronales compte 18 % (taux réduit des universités il me semble). Pour les taxes, autour de 25%. Je dirais quelque chose comme 3000 euros net + la mobility allowance (+family allowance).

Attention certaines institution vont vouloir taxer la mobility allowance il faut bien leur dire qu'elle n'est pas taxable !

Bonne chance !

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Re: MSCA-IF _ Employment contract (so-called Type A) at french university

Post by CountZ » Tue Mar 16, 2021 7:12 pm

Dodo wrote:
Tue Mar 16, 2021 6:19 pm
Attention certaines institution vont vouloir taxer la mobility allowance il faut bien leur dire qu'elle n'est pas taxable !
Is this true (that mobility allowance shouldn't be taxed) in every country or only in France?

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Re: MSCA-IF _ Employment contract (so-called Type A) at french university

Post by Dodo » Wed Mar 17, 2021 9:27 am

The mobility allowance is supposed to be 600 Euros a month on top of and independent of your salary to compensate for you being abroad. Now, your institution might not know how to deal with this allowance, since legislations differ as to how and whether this amount is taxable.

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Re: MSCA-IF _ Employment contract (so-called Type A) at french university

Post by SamiNard » Wed Mar 17, 2021 10:21 pm

Dodo wrote:
Tue Mar 16, 2021 6:19 pm
Salut Sami

Quelque chose comme cela :

[(gross salary*country coefficient)]*[100%- %employer costs – % income tax]
+ mobility allowance

Pour les charges patronales compte 18 % (taux réduit des universités il me semble). Pour les taxes, autour de 25%. Je dirais quelque chose comme 3000 euros net + la mobility allowance (+family allowance).

Attention certaines institution vont vouloir taxer la mobility allowance il faut bien leur dire qu'elle n'est pas taxable !

Bonne chance !
Salut Dodo,

Merci bcp pour tes précisions. La semaine prochaine, j'aurais un 1er draft du contrat et je vais y vérifier. Sinon, je vais leur rappeler à l'ordre :)
Je te tiens au courant !

Bonne chance à toi aussi,

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Re: MSCA-IF _ Employment contract (so-called Type A) at french university

Post by Dodo » Mon Mar 22, 2021 2:10 pm

Ok Sami - tiens moi au courant. Je te dirai aussi comment cela s'est passé de mon côté pour le contrat.

Aujourd'hui Grant Agreement signé grand soulagement.

A +

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Re: MSCA-IF _ Employment contract (so-called Type A) at french university

Post by SamiNard » Tue Mar 23, 2021 3:45 pm

Dodo wrote:
Mon Mar 22, 2021 2:10 pm
Ok Sami - tiens moi au courant. Je te dirai aussi comment cela s'est passé de mon côté pour le contrat.

Aujourd'hui Grant Agreement signé grand soulagement.

A +
Salut Dodo,

Le RH de l'université vient de m'envoyer la convention d'accueil pour le VISA depuis le Maroc. Il m'a inclus un salaire brut de 2603,08 (c'est honnête ca!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).

Quand je lui ai demandé le contrat, il m'a dit qu'il n'était pas encore prêt. J'ai demandé des renseignements à mon NCP qui m'a passé l'exemple ataché pour l'INSERM francais.

Comment s’est passé ds ton expérience ? Penses-tu que dans le contrat vont indiquer comment ils ont calculé le salaire net et les trames des taxes imposées ?

À la limite, on peut demander l'avis de la CE via le projet Officier? c’est ma 1ere experience et je suis un peu confondu !

Merci d’avance pour tes infos,

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